Friday, January 5, 2007

ambition and divinity........

I was just looking at this picture i had taken myself and got thinking how i looked like a modern angel of some sort. It's probably my imagination running away from me but at any rate it's a thought to keep my mind from biodegrading. It also got me thinking about my perpetual inability to find a "peer" seems almost as if I'm a different breed than the rest of the planet but those stupid mountain dew commercials still annoy the fuck out of me.

today seemed to be a day for new things too..... i got my hands on my V's but the soles were yellowed straight out the box. I hate that but i cant say it makes me as mad as it does some other folks. I finally got to play the Nintendo Wii and it might the most fun i have ever had playing a video game in my entire life. That thing can surely keep me indoors for more time than I'd like to be but on that note i need to go out get a new job and get back on my deck while I'm at it. I've so much ambition when it comes to my customizing or finances or anything else but that has not and never will be the issue......i need to drink a tall glass of follow-through.

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